Checking Up On Nature: How We Assess Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the building block of the world’s ecosystems and is crucial in the functioning of the environment system. But due to deforestation, climate change, and increase in population of people, it is crucial to know what is happening to our species. This paper focuses on how scientists and conservationists go about monitoring biodiversity to help people understand species distributions and trends and, in turn, conserve the environment. Come with us as we discover how to keep a close eye on nature through some of the most important methods used.
1. A Hands-On Approach to Field Surveys
The simplest way to monitor biodiversity is to physically go into the field and observe what is out there. Field surveys are conducted by researchers who go to specific areas to establish which species are present and how many of each species are around. Some common techniques include:
- Quadrat Sampling: This is a method where researchers divide an area into small squares or segments and then attempt to count all the plants and animals present in order to make an assessment of the species diversity.
- Transect Sampling: In this method, a line is drawn across a particular habitat and all the species present on the line are counted. This method is very useful in determining the trends in different areas.
- Point Counts: Most commonly used in bird observations, this method requires the researcher to stand in one place and record all the species that can be seen or heard within a certain distance.
Although field surveys give us direct information, they are labor-intensive and only apply to small areas.
2. From Above: Remote Sensing and Satellites
Technology has improved the way of biodiversity assessment such that one can assess large areas without even setting foot on the ground. Satellite images, drones, and aerial photography enable scientists to monitor habitats and detect changes in them. Some of the current day tools include;
- Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): This method uses satellite imagery to assess the photosynthetic activity of plants and thereby determine changes in the ecosystem.
- LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): LiDAR produces three-dimensional images of the earth’s surface including forests and other terrain, and this technology can be used to estimate tree heights and determine habitat structure.
- Drones: These are camera equipped air craft that provide high resolution pictures and videos which are useful in wildlife surveys in hard to reach areas.
3. Camouflages and Listening Devices
Some organisms are either camouflaged or have a low activity density such that they cannot be easily observed directly. This is where camera traps and bioacoustics monitoring come in hand.
- Camera Traps: These cameras that are triggered by movement capture pictures and videos of wildlife, which can be used to establish trends in animal population and behaviour.
- Acoustic Monitoring: Sound recorders pick up animal calls, which can help scientists identify species such as birds, frogs, and bats even when they cannot be seen.
Both of these methods are non-invasive and do not involve any interference with the natural environment.
4. Some Signs Left Behind: Environmental DNA (eDNA)
Every organism has a way of releasing very small pieces of DNA into the environment in the form of molecules. Scientists can extract and sequence the environmental DNA from water, soil or air to detect organisms without having to see them.
- Water Sampling: A water test can give an indication of the kind of fish, amphibian, or microorganisms that are in the lake or river.
- Soil Sampling: Analysing the soil can help discover what lives beneath the surface including the fungi, bacteria, and other microscopic animals.
eDNA is a quick and efficient method especially when dealing with rare or endangered species.
5. Every Day People Can Help: Citizen Science
You don’t have to be a scientist to help in biodiversity assessment; anyone can help collect data through citizen science projects.
- iNaturalist and eBird: These apps allow people to post their observations of wildlife, building huge worldwide databases of species’ sightings.
- BioBlitz Events: These are events where people try to identify as many species as they can as fast as they can in a certain area.
Citizen science also provides data to researchers, but also helps to involve people and make them concerned about the conservation problems.
6. Revealing the Genetic Information: DNA Barcoding
Genetic analysis is transforming the way that we recognize and manage species. This makes it possible to use short DNA sequences to distinguish organisms that are morphologically similar but are genetically different.
- Microbial Diversity Studies: The DNA sequencing is used in the study of the microorganisms that are present in the environment and are very important in the ecosystem.
- Wildlife Forensics: DNA tracking can be used to prevent poaching and wildlife trafficking by recognizing species from the body or goods.
This method is also applied in determining species diversity and genetic health.
Biodiversity monitoring is not only about counting the animals but also about knowing how the ecosystems function and how they can be conserved. Through the use of conventional surveys and fieldwork together with technological advancements such as satellite imaging, eDNA analysis, and citizen science, we are gaining a better understanding of life on this planet. With the advancement in technology, the monitoring and conservation of biodiversity will only get better and better for the future generations.
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