Grams of Soil Composition: Analyzing Nutrient Density for Healthy Plants

What is soil composition? Landscape design includes several stages of analyzing your land plot’s territorial, quality, and functional characteristics. In determining its main advantages and disadvantages, the most important place is occupied by garden soil composition analysis. This particular labor-intensive procedure allows you to accurately assess the relevance and acceptability of the entire design project.
Soil analysis on your plot of land is a multi-stage procedure of chemical and microbiological research. Despite the laboriousness of testing soil composition, landscape design, and gardening experts recommend carrying it out at least once, especially at the first stage of site planning. Such essential characteristics of the soil, such as its acidity, the presence of nutrients and microelements, and the granulometric composition, are the main conditions for the fertility and health of planted plants.
Several key parameters determine soil fertility. The basic element of soil analysis is its agrochemical characteristics, which evaluate the acidity (pH), composition of organic matter, metabolic acidity, and hydrolytic acidity of the salt extract. Both low and high acidity are equally harmful to the best soil composition.
Plants develop most quickly in soil whose acidity is close to neutral in the root zone; the pH is about 6.5-7.0. Fluctuations in acidity in one direction or another negatively impact plant growth, limiting their access to necessary macro- and microelements. The problem of high soil acidity is solved by liming the soil. On strongly acidic soils (pH = 4.5), up to 400-600 grams of lime or calcium carbonate per 1 sq.m. are added; on moderately acidic soils (pH = 4.8) – about 350-500 grams, and on slightly acidic soils (pH 5-5.5) – about 200-350 grams. You can calculate the same values in oz using OneConvert online. It will help you get accurate measurement results.
When assessing the nutrients contained in the soil, the content of such components as nitrogen, phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, calcium, magnesium, mobile boron, zinc, manganese, cobalt, and copper is analyzed Depending on the level of basic elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), all soils are divided into well-cultivated soils, moderately cultivated and poorly cultivated soils. Macronutrient analysis is critical to formulate the right fertilization strategy and select the right fertilizers for each plant. This strategy also considers the plant’s nutritional regime to choose the feeding that will give quick and effective results.
The granulometric composition of the soil determines the choice of plants that will green your area. According to their mechanical composition, all soils are divided into heavy loamy, medium loamy, light loamy, sandy, and sandy loam soils. Caring for plants on each soil type has its characteristics, which experts know everything about.
For plants to be maximally protected from harmful external influences, it is necessary to accurately know what pathogenic microorganisms the area may be contaminated with. The most common variants are coliform bacteria, enterococci, salmonella, and helminths, which not only infect plants with dangerous viruses but can thus cause significant harm to humans.
Modern means of bacteriological soil analysis can identify any viral and pathogenic microorganisms on your site, and the advice of specialists will help you get rid of them quickly and effectively.
If you want to be convinced that only environmentally friendly products grow on your site, you must check the soil for heavy metals (lead, nickel, copper, etc.). It is known that heavy metals have an extremely harmful toxic effect on a person. So, if analysis shows high content, this must be dealt with effectively. Heavy metals can be removed from the site after soil detoxification using the latest agricultural technologies.
Physical properties
Measuring the physical environment and soil composition requires specialized equipment because such measurements cannot be carried out in laboratories. This is why it is sometimes difficult for winegrowers to take measurements. Given the nature of these soil properties, it may take many years before changes become noticeable.
Mechanical composition
The mechanical composition of the soil (percentage ratio of silt, sand, and clay) is an integral property of the soil and changes little during use or processing. The composition of the soil can be measured in the field manually, i.e., qualitatively or in the laboratory quantitatively. Soil composition is an important quality because it determines the amount of water the soil can hold when fully wet and the rate at which water and solutes will become available for further absorption by the vine. The information is useful for initial ideal soil composition characterization rather than for monitoring changes.
Method for determining the volumetric mass
To determine the bulk density, it is necessary to take soil samples for analysis with an undisturbed structure. Samples can be taken in violation of the soil’s natural composition to identify the pattern of changes in density with increasing depth. You need to take a metal drill chuck and weigh the empty one and the two caps. To determine the volume of the drill cartridge, measure its diameter and height. Close one of the lids and pour air-dry soil into the cylinder with a scoop in small portions, taken from a 0-25 cm horizon.
Pour the soil into the top of the cylinder while tapping on its side. After this, close the drill cartridge with a second lid and weigh it with the air-dry soil. Then, pour the soil into the same box from which it was taken and repeat weighing the second and third samples from the same box. Weighing three times is necessary to obtain more accurate results. Next, in the same way, pour soil into the cylinder three times and weigh it from layers 25–40 cm and 40–100 cm.
In conclusion, the mass of air-dry soil is calculated by subtracting the mass of an empty drill cartridge from the mass of the drill cartridge from the air-dry soil. The mass of arid soil is computed considering the correction for moisture content, which is 5%. The density (volumetric mass) for each genetic horizon is calculated by dividing the arid soil’s mass by the drill cartridge’s volume.
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